Friday, July 31, 2009

Some Silly Signs for a Friday Afternoon

On a recent trip to Disneyland (during which we celebrated my birthday by getting one ticket for free - YAY!) my son and I indulged in one of our favorite pastimes: finding stuff that's meant to be serious but is just downright silly. You'd be surprised how much of that there is at the big D. (Or maybe you wouldn't, seeing as you're a smart bunch.) Here is photographic evidence of two of our favorite things:

No Dancing on Dumbo!
This sign was actually on every ride, but we first noticed it when we were up in the air on Dumbo, which made it even funnier.

Grab Your AstPass!
A faulty printer turned this simple little ticket into something that provided hours of fun and repetition. Go ahead, say it a few times and try not to smile. I dare you.

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